I get bent out of shape about a lot of things but one thing that just burns the hell out my backside is when I hear people, especially men talk about single parenthood.
Granted there are some single fathers out there.
I’m Not Talking About You or To You.
I recently listened to a blog show of an acquaintance and the subject was about single parenthood. At this time I want to go on record as saying that when teachers asked us, the little women, ‘what do you want to be when you grow up’, our response is not “I wanna be a single parent!”
It would help the esteem and the efforts of single female parents if you would stop bashing and beating down the efforts of the parents that stood up to the challenge and stuck around.
Instead of running away from our responsibilities and exalting in the ecstasy which bore fruit from our 30 minute labor, we chose to hold our head up high to nurture and cultivate the future we created.
As a parent, society tells us to be mindful of what you tell your children. If you tell them they are stupid they will eventually believe they are stupid and inevitably stop trying to do better. What makes that situation any different when you constantly tell me that my child will end up incarcerated for murder, drug trafficking and God knows whatever else? What makes your statement any less damaging when you tell me that my child will become a woman beater and high school dropout?
Have you ever considered being mindful of the negativity that spews out of your mouth?
My suggestion to all those that have a problem with US single parents would be to:
1) Become a mentor. Not to someone you don’t know, start with your own family members. You have nieces, nephews, cousins and cousins of cousins. Heck some of you that have so much to say need to start with your own children.
2) Help establish a cost-effective, productive program that host activities for afterschool and weekends that involve not only dialogue but participation.
And if these ideas don’t appeal to you try this one.
3) Stop complaining and give a damn about someone other than yourself.
So in closing, I want to leave you with a thought. You can’t plant a seed of a tree and expect it to grow on its on. You have to turn over the soil, give it sunlight, water, fertilizer, and attention. Check on your investment and hard work; make sure the future shade you planted is growing strong and healthy. I DARE YOU, to make a difference!