Michele Tooles aka Ms Daring of The Daring Show, a Chicago native is finding her way in the literary industry. She is a stunning woman of sheer intelligence and the host of an own online radio talk show on BlogTalkRadio, where she is provocative and infuriating.
To date she has over 30 years of experience in using her brain and speaking her mind. She holds no punches and is very candid and at times brash, in her commentary of current events and social issues. She prides herself on being genuine and not an expert. Her literary venture is taking off as she has established The Daring Show Reading Club, The Daring Show Review Team and is working on promoting authors under her alter ego.
Yes The Daring Show is posting book reviews all over the internet and constantly finding venues for more networking opportunities for her brand and authors. Don't sleep on her many talents as she is a published writer of various articles and aspiring entrepreneur.
This blog is for self expression for everyone. Be interactive it is important to us.
As new features and opportunities present themselves for this brand, we will keep you updated on this 'About Us' page. If you have any comments, concerns or inquiries feel free to contact the blog master or Ms. Daring at thedaringshow@gmail.com.